SUEZ, in collaboration with Panal Flotante, has implemented a patented modular roof system for rafts and reservoirs based on plastic spheres, which does not require civil works for installation.
Our systems are made of HDPE, a material authorized to come into contact with water without presenting any risk to health.
The next 3,4,5 and 6 of April we will be present in Fame Innowa, Torrepacheco (Murcia)
The country's dams are at 59% of their capacity, with minimum values in the Júcar and Segura basins.
After the success obtained during the drought of 2015 in California, other points of the planet are adopting this technique to avoid evaporation and the appearance of harmful algae in reservoirs.
The state of California experienced one of the worst droughts in its history during the year 2015. The solution that scientists came up with to protect the reservoirs that supply Los Angeles with water was to cover them with millions of black plastic balls. The idea was a success.